“Layer” is a dance / physical theatre work co-conceived by Stalker and Box of Birds artists : David Clarkson, Matt Hughes, Andrew Johnston, Margie Breen, Boris Bagattini, Andrew Bluff, composer Peter Kennard and dancers Katina Olsen & Cloe Fournier.

This team has recently been joined by partners in the Netherlands : SHelfish Productions and The Grand Theatre in Groningen.

“Layer” will premiere in late 2020, thanks to support from: Epic Games, The Australia Council, The City of Sydney, Brand X and the Prins Bernhard Fonds/ Cultuurmakers (Netherlands) .

 “Layer” dances the story of three woman, each alone and isolated with multiple cultural identities. Indigenous/ non-indigenous/ Australian/ European. They encounter multiple replications (or layers) of themselves in real, virtual, fragmented and augmented selves. It artistically explores notions of replication of self- identity, isolation, play and the pleasures and fears we stumble upon in our socially distanced COVID selves.

 “Layer” will develop a number of technical innovations to allow the theatre work to be presented both live as well as online, simultaneously in the Netherlands and Australia. “Layer” will also to be digitally interactive both for its performers and for its audience.

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